Sunday, 29 November 2015

Europe Assembly

Our class put on an assembly for the school on 27th November. Our theme was Europe. First each of us told a little information about Europe. We then performed the song "Somewhere in Europe". Finally a few of us danced the "Shoemaker's Dance".
We enjoyed doing all three.

Art and Science Project

Fourth Class in St. Clare's have been chosen to participate in an Art and Science Project.The poet Heather Brett and artist Marilyn Gaffney came to work with us on 16th November. We are excited bout taking part in this project.

Mobile Cinema

On 12th November a mobile cinema visited our school. We were one of the lucky classes chosen to watch some Science experiments and  then watch the inventors Wallace and Gromit at work.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Celtic Designs

We have been learning about the Celts in History. We coloured some Celtic designs and brooches.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Somewhere in Europe

We are learning a song about Europe for our assembly.


Our Class goes swimming every Tuesday morning.
Here we are pictured at the pool.