Sunday, 14 December 2014

Christmas Decorations

We painted Christmas decorations with glass paints. We will hang them on our Christmas tree.

Art Exibition

We visited another art exhibition. The two artist were there to tell the background of their works.
We hung our wishes on a wish tree.

Art Exhibition

We visited an art exhibition of local artists. Some of Mrs Bradley's fantastic work was displayed.


In the novel that we are reading, Michael and his family visited many countries.
We designed tourist t-shirts from all over the world.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

We learned about the Celts in History. We coloured Celtic Designs.

We made paper helicopters and tested gravity,

  • small helicopter v large helicopter
  • paper helicopter v cardboard helicopter
  • paper helicopter with weighs (paper clips) v paper helicopter

We learned about forces in Science. We made parachutes and tested for air-resistance.

We are currently taking part in a Tidy Towns project. A local artist Kim Doherty visited our classroom and helped us to draw maps of Cavan Town,

Sunday, 23 November 2014

4th Class History Trail

In October Fourth Class went on a history trail of Cavan. We had to find the answers to these questions. Try them out yourself.

How long has St Clare’s School been located in the present building?
On what date did Mary Mc Aleese officially open St. Clare’s Garden?
How many small circles are in the window of the Church of Ireland?
In what year did Paddy Smith (T.D.) die?
What shape is the window directly over the main door of the Cathedral? 
What time does the clock on the Church of Ireland show? 
There is a harp on the Courthouse. On what colour background is it placed? 
In what year was Lord Farnham born?
For how long did the balladeer/singer /artist Percy French live at 16 Farnham Street?
What are the opening hours of the Environmental Waste and Water Services located in the old library building?  
In what year was the building behind the silver railings built?
What time is the Sunday Service in the Presbyterian Church? 
In the Abbey grounds a sign suggests that you might be able to quench your thirst here. To what type of building does it refer? 
When  was the Town Hall Building erected?
What group sponsored the Urban Renewal Scheme on Market Square?
There is a coat of arms on the hotel on your right. To which family do you think it belongs?
How many crosses can you see on St. Clare’s Church?

Monday, 1 September 2014